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Hello Beautiful,


Thank you for visiting (UT-EASE) Organic Coconut and Mineral Dead Sea Salt Ice Capsules with Bearberry Extract, my very own creation that may temporarily soothe the discomfort of urinary tract infections for you just as it did for me.


With the combination of organic coconut oil, mineralized dead sea salts, and Uva ursi, also known as (bearberry leaf extract) I had made a little batch of liquid gold. These three ingredients and the extra benefit of being frozen in a vegan dissolvable capsule helped to ease the pain of my UTI. 


I had been using this method for a number of years and finally decided to take the chance of possibly helping others. Further on you will read my story and the research I did to bring UT-EASE to fruition. 


*For internal use only. Do not consume or swallow.


UT-EASE capsules are to be stored in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator below 4.4°C or in the freezer at -18°C

UT-EASE capsules should be used within 6 months of refrigeration or freezing.

My Story

Waking in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in my abdoman, lower back, and shooting zings "down below", I was a whisker away from going to the emergency department. Knowing the usual symptoms of a UTI, I was doubled over in pain. The need to pee constantly, yet only consisting of a few droplets. I was so sick in bed and in the fetal position with my legs squeezed tightly together. The pain was maddening. 


Barely able to walk, I went and rummaged through my medicine cabinet, and even the pantry for something to help. I saw the coconut oil and salt and thought perhaps that would help as I was aware of the benefits of the oil, and that salt was often used for sterilising. As they say, "desperate times, calls for desperate measures". For those that have suffered through one of these, you know exactly what I mean.


Mixing a little of the two together in a tablespoon and coating my finger in it, I inserted "down there" (yes, I'm being very transparent!) hoping and praying that any type of relief would come. About twenty minutes later my body wasn't as tense and I was starting to relax. The contracting inside of my nether region had somewhat calmed down. I was stunned.


The next morning, and after finally getting some sleep I was still experiencing mild symptoms but nothing like the night before so decided to make a batch and freeze it for the next time I had a UTI. 


And so another came, as expected/unexpected, this time however, the freezing of it had made a huge difference. The cold really soothed the fire that was going on inside of me. I knew I was onto something and that something so simple could possibly help others that suffer from UTI's. I decided to do some research into UTI's, and the products I was using. I found that the healing benefits of Mineral Dead Sea Salts provided much more than "table salt" and that [Organic] coconut oil was a better choice than the over-processed. Organic coconut oil retains all the nutrients that are not possible with standard coconut oil. One intriguing find was Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) also known as Bearberry, a leafy plant that produced berries. It can be found growing in California and New Mexico in the U.S. and throughout parts of Europe, Siberia, and the Himalayas. Besides the fact that bears love to eat the berries (hence the name) it is actually the uva ursi leaves which are known for their effectiveness in treating both acute and chronic infections and inflammation within the urinary tract, cystitis, swelling of the bladder and urethra - reducing bacteria and tightening mucous membranes, as well as susceptibility to infections.


Commonly contributing pathogens to UTI's are Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Escherichia coli (E. coli) and when using this amazing plant/leaves, studies have shown that not only can it help flush out infection, inflammation and swelling it can decrease and help kill up to 75% of bacteria as well as restoring normal pH balance. 


So with this information I made another batch with the addition of Bearberry. When it came time to try it I was suprised as my pain had all but gone after a few hours of sleeping. Was it all in my mind, did some sort of miracle happen or was I just lucky? With trial after trial the same would happen. My pain was gone. All the research into this beautiful plant, the coconut oil and dead sea salt performed so well and so unexpectedly. Did it heal my UTI? I can't say, but it did stop my pain and that was enough for me. We are all different and our bodies may not react in the same way or time-frame, so remember this when using UT-EASE. You may be lucky enough even to experience relief earlier, but be advised it may come later or even not at all. As the capsule usually takes around 10-15 minutes to dissolve please allow time for the ingredients to act. 



Not having the desperation of trying to find something when you're hit with a uti, UT-EASE truly was a godsend, and I hope it does the same for you. However, as we are all different what may work for one may not work for another. 



To make it easier, quicker and hygienic I sourced capsules that could be frozen, sphere in shape, vegan, and dissolvable. The packaging and design I wanted to be discreet and with a nod to Mother Nature. Compact, easily storeable, and convenient.




                      UT-EASE - Organic Coconut Oil, and Dead Sea Salt Ice Capsules with Uva ursi was to be my saving grace when I needed relief.


                                                                                 UT-EASE is only a freezer door away!



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This product contains nuts and Uva ursi (Bearberry extract) and should not be used by women who are pregnant or breast feeding, and people with high blood pressure, should not take Uva ursi. People who have Crohn disease, digestive problems, kidney or liver disease or ulcers should not take Uva ursi.​

The use of herbs has been a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, and under the supervision of a health care professional.

This product does not claim to heal, cure or be 100% effective. Discontinue use should adverse reaction or irritation occur and consult your medical professional. 

It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine whether you have a UTI or it may be something else.


Disclaimer: Please note that UT-EASE Health is a home based formula and no application has been submitted or approved by the  Therapeutic Goods Administration or any authority. It is at your discretion that you choose UT-EASE Health and to use at your own risk.

Instructions for UT-EASE Capsules

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Open bag and with clean hands take out one individual UT-EASE capsule, close bag and return back to the freezer. With clean hands remove the capsule from its individual pouch removing any of the salt surrounding, squat or crouch down whilst holding the capsule with your forefinger and thumb, relax your pelvic floor muscles and gently insert into your vagina just as you would a tampon and push slowly up and as far and as comfortably you can go.

Breathe slowly and don't force anything. You will find that your vaginal muscles will contract, don't worry as this is normal. Just go very slow and listen to your body. With your body relaxed keep going (slowly) until you can’t push any further. Remember, slowly and gently does it. Once there, hold it in place for a couple of seconds, then slowly and gently exit your fingers. This is the tricky part - Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles again and cross your legs tightly whilst you now wash your hands. Wash your hands with soap immediately after inserting the capsule whilst trying your best to keep holding your pelvic floor muscles tightly, try not to release as the capsule may slip out. Slowly uncross your legs and without too much movement, pop on your underwear with a sanitary napkin or panty liner (as it may melt very quickly). Whilst still squeezing your pelvic floor muscles (which you are probably  involuntaringly doing anyway), again hold your thighs tightly together. Slowly lay down (preferably without bending too much as the capsule could easily slide) and keep your thighs tightly together for about 10 -15 seconds. Yes, it's a little awkward but it is to stop the capsule from slipping. It is now that you can relax your muscles and thighs and rest for at least half an hour to an hour. Try not to move too much as you want to keep the ice capsule in for as long as you can. You will find as soon as you move or go to get up, the oil may come running out very quickly. This is why it is so important to lay still for as long as you can. This will allow the oil formula to coat the upper wall of the vagina. Once you feel you are able to get up, you can remove the sanitary napkin/liner and cleanse the residue by wiping from front to back. You may need to use a panty liner for any mild leakage afterwards. Again, wash your hands with soap afterwards.


You should start to feel some relief within the hour, if not wait another four hours before you insert another UT-EASE capsule.

Only use two UT-EASE capsules per day and within a four hour period.

If you are still experiencing pain please stop using UT-EASE, and visit your doctor as soon as possible.


​*Applying a heating pad or hot water bottle to your lower abdomen can help ease the urinary pain and discomfort associated with a UTI. The warmth can soothe bladder spasms and provide relief.


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