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Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

UTI's are usually caused by bacteria such as E.coli entering the urethra and traveling through the urinary tract, the type of bacteria that most often causes bladder infections. If the pH of the vagina remains higher than it should be for too long, it can foster the growth of yeast, causing infections/UTI.

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UTI - Urinary Tract Infection


A UTI is an infection of the body's urinary system (which can involve the bladder, kidneys, and/or the tracts that connect these systems.) Commonly it usually starts in organs of the lower urinary tract, bladder, and urethra.


The most common bacteria's to cause infections are Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Escherichia coli, aka E. coli. In fact, E. coli is responsible

for 65 to 75 percent of all urinary tract infections, according to research. It is documented that Worldwide, approximately 150 million people are affected by UTIs each year and women being 60% on average getting at least one in their lives.


Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection of the vagina due to an imbalance of naturally-occurring flora. Although UTIs and vaginal infections are quite different, it's possible to have both at the same time. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are some of the most common (and annoying) bacterial infections. Only people with a vagina can have BV, while UTIs plague both men and women. For both infections, however, people with female anatomy are more likely to have multiple UTIs and BV infections over their lifetime. Bacteria cause both BV and UTIs.




What are some symptoms of a UTI?


  • Pain or burning while urinating.

  • Pain in the abdomen or back.

  • Zinging or zaps of sharpness in the pelvic area.

  • Frequent urination.

  • Only small droplets when urinating if any.

  • Feeling the need to urinate despite having an empty bladder.

  • Bloody/cloudy urine.

  • Pressure or cramping in the groin or lower abdomen.

  • Fever and chills and nausea.


Causes or infection can happen with but not limited to:


  • Sexual Contact -  A woman’s urethra is located next to the vagina and anus. This design makes it very easy for bacteria to move into the urinary tract during sexual intercourse and sexual contact.

  • Improper Wiping - For women, wiping from back to front after a bowel movement can drag E. coli directly into the urethra. Because of this, it’s always recommended to wipe from front to back.

  • Holding Urine - Frequent bathroom use allows the body to continue to flush bacteria such as E. coli from the system. This is especially important before and after intercourse. To encourage frequent urination, drink plenty of water throughout the day. 

  • Medications


E. coli naturally resides in the intestines of all humans, usually doing no harm. But some E. coli are pathogenic, meaning they can cause illness. With UTIs, the E. coli bacteria from the intestines is present in fecal matter. And trace amounts of said fecal matter make their way into the urinary tract through the urethra opening and begin to multiply. One of the reasons that women are more prone to urinary tract infections is that they have very short urethras.The E. coli bacteria from the rectum  does not have a long distance to travel to reach the urethra and then bladder to cause an infection. 


It is also worthy to note that a UTI may also be caused from menopause, some contraceptives, diabetes, pregnancy and kidney stones.


Urinating usually does an excellent job of flushing out lingering bacteria from the urethra before it causes any issues. But when this defense fails, bacteria such as E. coli enters the urinary tract (which is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) multiplies, and then a urinary tract infection can develop.




What happens if UTI is left untreated for 2 weeks?

An untreated bladder infection can become a kidney or prostate infection.

When a urinary tract infection moves to the kidneys, symptoms such as fever, shaking, chills, and pain in the upper back, side, or groin may occur.


How long can a UTI go untreated before it becomes serious?

You shouldn't leave a UTI untreated. Whilst UT-EASE may be a temporary relief alternative it is highly recommended to receive treatment after a day or two if pain continues or worsens as prescription medication may be required. These infections are more serious, if left untreated for too long they can travel through the blood stream causing sepsis and may be potentially fatal. 



UTIs are often effectively treated with antibiotics, however infection recurrence is common. Plus, the excessive use of antibiotics may lead to negative health outcomes.

Many people choose natural and herbal supplements to treat their UTIs to avoid overexposure to antibiotic medications.



Risks and Warnings - Before using UT-EASE.


  • Allergic to coconut or nuts.

  • Women who are pregnant or nursing are not to use this home remedy.

  • UT-EASE is not recommended for children.

  • Persons with underlying medical conditions must consult their doctor prior to using UT-EASE.

  • If you suspect you have a urinary tract infection, consult your doctor. You need to make sure that you have a urinary tract infection and not something else, such as a bacterial infection.

  • If your doctor confirms that you do have a urinary tract infection, talk to them about trying UT-EASE as a treatment.

  • Organic Coconut Oil and Mineral Dead Sea Salt generally doesn’t have any side effects, so your doctor may be fine with you trying it for a uti before traditional medication.


Even mild UTIs can quickly worsen and cause more serious complications.This is why it is extremely important not to self diagnose and to discuss with your GP or Healthcare Professional prior to using UT-EASE as more natural treatment alternative for a UTI.


Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and people with high blood pressure, should not take uva ursi. People who have Crohn disease, digestive problems, kidney or liver disease, or ulcers should not take uva ursi. Not to be given to children under the age of 18.




All information pertaining to UTI's has been researched through advisory channels and links on the internet and in no way does UT-EASE suggest all information is true and correct by this research. It is up to you, the individual to do your own research before trying UT-EASE or UT-EASE Health and its ingredients. UT-EASE or UT-EASE Health has not been researched nor approved by the Therapeutic Goods Association or by any health or governing authorities nor authorised. It is up to your discression and risk to try UT-EASE home made remedy/remedies.




Information referenced from Google/Public Domain.

Recommendations from/by my own experience.


More information can be found on


Although there is a huge amount of information with UTI's available on the internet please proceed with caution with/to external links. Whilst UT-EASE has researched multiple websites and health advisories it is recommended you ensure the Site/s recommended or referenced that you are visting are safe and that you are soley responsible for visiting these Sites.

UT-EASE wishes to advise that there is no medical background nor education in therapeutic goods or medicinal alternatives. UT-EASE/UT-EASE Health is purely a homebased, homemade, holistic alternative that has been created in a home kitchen with knowledge based on research and from own experiences. UT-EASE is for those that are wanting a natural and organic option to presciption medication or otherwise. UT-EASE takes no responsibility for your personal choice when choosing to try/use UT-EASE for your own health and wellbeing.

Please talk to your doctor or healthcare professional before trying UT-EASE or any other homemade formula/remedy and especially if you are taking medication, have any allergies, illness or are self diagnosing.



All information on this Site is a basic understanding of urinary tract infections and should not be used as self diagnosis or as a thorough understanding of it. 


Only Organic

Organic Coconut Oil


Coconut oil, or copra oil, is an edible oil that is extracted from the kernel of mature coconuts harvested from the

coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). Coconut oil is composed of 99% fat, and comprises mainly of saturated fats (82%).

The sweet-smelling tropical staple is made by pressing the fat from the white “meat” inside the giant nut and then

used for various purposes.


Did you know that pure 100% Organic Coconut Oil has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties?

Virgin/Organic coconut oil that has not been overprocessed is higher in vitamin E and other bioactive ingredients.


Coconut oil contains the primary fatty acid of a long-chain lipid called lauric acid (monolaurin) this is associated with

antimicrobial elements that fight infections, like a UTI. It has been known to clear up and improve UTI symptoms and

kidney infections. The Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in the oil work as a natural antibiotic by disrupting the

lipid coating on bacteria and killing them.


Coconut oil contains Capric Acid and Lauric Acid, which has been shown to reduce candida, fight bacteria and create a

hostile environment for viruses. Many diseases today are caused by the overgrowth of bad bacteria, fungi, viruses

and parasites in the body. A 2020 review indicates that it has antimicrobial activity and helps activate the

anti-inflammatory nature of the immune response in the human body.


Caprylic Acid benefits starts on the inside. Caprylic acid is great for maintaining a microbial balance in the urinary tract

and is a natural way to fight off yeast. It can be instrumental in helping to kill off harmful bacteria and fungi in the body.

Caprylic Acid has proven to be effective in weakening Candida yeast cells, as well as lessening the spread of bacteria

in the urinary tract. Overall, it has been shown to promote healthy bladder function and ease the frequency and severity

of yeast infections and urinary tract infections in women.

Caprylic acid can be a valuable addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle for individuals looking to maintain optimal

urinary tract health.



Since a UTI is located in the bladder, using this oil topically won’t necessarily stop the infection. Instead, it helps with external symptoms, like burning.

People who are allergic to coconut shouldn’t try this method. If you don’t know if you’re allergic, try a patch test on your skin.


     Patch test

  • Apply a small amount of coconut oil to your forearm

  • Place a bandage over the area and let sit for 24 hours.

  • If you don’t experience any redness or irritation within 24 hours, it should be safe to apply elsewhere.

  • If you do experience irritation within 24 hours, discontinue use and see your doctor if your symptoms persist.


Mineral Dead Sea Salt


Thousands of people flock to the Dead Sea, found along Israel's border with Jordan each year because it is renowned for its health-giving properties.

Containing up to eight times more minerals than most sea water, the Dead Sea is the saltiest in the world. It's believed that this, combined with the unique atmosphere in the area, is the secret of its success.


The Dead Sea is quite different from other bodies of water on the globe. It contains 27% salt. Normal sea water is just 3% salt. Sodium in the Dead Sea is also far more balanced than it is in other bodies of water. Instead, it’s made up of magnesium, potassium, calcium chloride, and bromides. 



It's also claimed that swimming or floating in the Dead Sea can cleanse the body of toxins. Doing either is known to induce diuresis - increased secretion of urine by the kidneys.

Floating means high levels of blood move to the abdomen area. This puts gentle pressure on the kidneys which stimulates the urge to urinate. Urinating helps get rid of toxins in our body.




Information referenced from Google/Public Domain.

Herbal Benefits


Uva ursi - Bearberry Extract

Uva Ursi - (UU) - (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) - Bearberry Extract

With scientific advancements, we can now grow and harvest plants to ensure they contain a certain amount of specific, beneficial compounds. This is called standardization.

Standardization ensures the herbal extracts you take are safe and effective ensuring that the bearberry extract you take contains just the right amount of arbutin shown in scientific studies to have therapeutic value and is responsible for many of bearberry’s benefits. 



Prior to the invention of antibiotics, indigenous people used various plants and herbal remedies to deal with issues including infections. One example is the plant called uva ursi, or bearberry, which has been used as a natural remedy for UTIs (urinary tract infections) for hundreds of years.


Uva ursi (UU) - (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) also known as Bearberry, has other names also used, such as kinnikinnick, pinemat manzanita, crowberry, beargrape, bear’s bilberry, bear’s whortleberry, foxberry, burren myrtle, and creashack.


Uva ursi (UU) is an herbal supplement that is made from an evergreen plant that produces red berries. 

The three species of uva ursi/bearberry plants that are most often used as herbal medicine are Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Arctostaphylos adentricha and Arctostaphylos coactylis.


Traditionally, the whole herb was used, including the leaves and berries. Dried and crushed UU leaves are used to make UT-EASE but not the berries.

This one little herb contains a number of protective compounds, including flavonoids, iridoids, hydroquinone glycosides (mainly arbutin), tannins and terpenoids. It has natural antibacterial and astringent effects and is most often used in the treatment of UTIs however many have not heard of it.


UU is thought to be capable of helping prevent UTIs, cystitis and swelling of the bladder and urethra due to the presence of glycosides and other anti-inflammatory compounds, including arbutin, tannins and hydroquinone. These help reduce bacteria that can accumulate in the urethra and bladder that lead to infections. Several small studies have shown promise that it can reduce recurring UTIs thanks to its natural antibacterial and astringent properties.


It’s also been shown to help manage urinary incontinence (uncontrolled leakage of urine) and shrink and tighten mucous membranes in the body, which help reduce susceptibility to infections.

In one 2017 review, a preparation of UU combined with green tea was able to reduce proliferation of bacteria called Staphylococcus saprophyticus, which commonly contributes to UTIs. This specific preparation did a better job than 13 other types that were tested in the study.

UU combined with green tea was able to lower the Staphylococcus saprophyticus levels by about 75% in part by killing bacteria and also restoring a normal pH balance.


Other studies show that bearberry can help kill Escherichia coli (E. coli), a pathogen that causes urinary, bladder and digestive issues.



Considered safe for short-term use and with recommended doses. Too much can potentially be toxic due to the presence of hydroquinone, so it’s important to follow dosage recommendations. The hydroquinones in your bearberry leaf supplement may tinge your urine green, but don’t worry, this is a normal side effect and isn’t dangerous.










Although only a small amount of Uva ursi has been used in UT-EASE, it is worth noting the side-effects of this herb.


Uva ursi can be toxic. Hydroquinone, a component of uva ursi, can cause serious liver damage. Conventional medications that have fewer risks are available to treat urinary tract infections.

Researchers believe the herb works best when a person's urine is alkaline since acid destroys its antibacterial effect. Uva ursi works best at the first sign of infection. However, more research is needed to see if uva ursi works in humans.



DO NOT give uva ursi to children.


Because uva ursi can be toxic, talk to your doctor before using it.




The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, under the supervision of a health care provider.

One of the chemicals in uva ursi, hydroquinone, can damage the liver. You should only take uva ursi for short periods, no longer than 5 days, under a health care provider's supervision. You should not take a series of doses of uva ursi more than 5 times in 1 year. DO NOT take more than the recommended doses.

Reported side effects are generally mild and include nausea and vomiting, irritability, and insomnia.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and people with high blood pressure, should not take uva ursi. People who have Crohn disease, digestive problems, kidney or liver disease, or ulcers should not take uva ursi.



Possible Interactions


If you are being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use uva ursi without first talking to your health care provider.


Lithium. It is possible that taking uva ursi may cause lithium, a drug taken to treat bipolar disorder, to build up to dangerous levels in the blood.


Drugs and supplements that make urine more acidic. These include vitamin C, cranberry juice, orange juice, and other citrus fruits and juices.​


Iron. If you take iron supplements, take them at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after uva ursi.



It is to be avoided by children under the age of 18, pregnant and nursing women, and anyone with kidney disorders, high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease, ulcers and liver disease unless authorised by your doctor. 








UT-EASE formula and ingredients have been researched, tried and tested as a homemade remedy but may not help everyone.


UT-EASE does not claim to heal, treat or cure UTIs but may help with relief.


Please follow intended usage and the length of time advised as too much can be toxic and lead to serious health concerns. It is extremely important to follow all recommended dosages as well as all guidelines mentioned on The Beaux Apothicaire/UT-EASE Site.


Should you have any questions or inquiries please contact us at






Information referenced from Google/Public Domain.



The information provided by UT-EASE is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice nor claim to treat or cure UTIs. Please speak with your doctor or healthcare professional about the need for treatment, antibiotics or alternative approaches for UTIs.


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